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Green tech for a greener world: An Indian company’s efforts to reduce e-waste

Chennai-based Telekonnectors is committed to reducing e-waste and promoting sustainability in telecom engineering & audio visual communication tech

The world produced a staggering 62 million tonnes of e-waste in 2022, marking an 82% increase since 2010.This figure is projected to grow by another 32% to reach 82 million tonnes by 2030. (Source: UNITAR). The numbers are staggering. While efforts are on to prevent and manage e-waste, we must embrace more sustainable ways to address the e-waste problem, which is reportedly the fastest growing solid waste stream in the world. 

This World Environment Day, we feature a homegrown Indian company that’s pioneering environment-friendly, sustainable practices in the telecom technology  – a field with a high e-waste footprint. In fact, this company’s commitment to eco-friendly practices sets them apart in the industry. 

The greener the better

Chennai-based Telekonnectors, a leading brand that offers communication headsets, analog phones, copper cable testers, and Air-Traffic Control solutions, has a few decades-old story in ‘green telecom’ and sustainable product lifecycle. 

Karthik Krishna Murthy, Managing Director & CEO of Telekonnectors says, “Employee turnover and hence disposal of personal use telecom products amongst our customers is as high at 45% every year. One can imagine the amount of e-waste that gets generated. If we are to treat our plant with respect, we ought to manage and recycle the amount of waste that gets generated.”

The company’s TLK Buyback program is just one of the many ways in which the company works toward this goal. The program ensures recycling and safe disposal of plastics, cables, and other e-waste, in addition to encouraging clients by incentivizing them. “Our buyback program ensures that we collect all headsets including those of other brands to dispose of them safely,” Karthik highlights. 

And there’s more! The company’s ‘green’ philosophy reflects across the entire product lifecycle. “All companies including our customers have a responsibility to sign up to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have taken this responsibility seriously. Right from product engineering, design, design for manufacturing and customer servicing, we are enforcing a culture of environmental friendliness. So we are pushing through a behavioral change within our employees and an appreciation of the same with our customers,” elaborates Karthik. 

End-to-end sustainability

Hence, the aspect of sustainability is not an after-thought for Telekonnectors, but something the company consciously incorporates right at the design stage of the products. Karthik maintains that they focus on picking more sustainable materials for production and packaging to ensure minimal environmental impact, both during its lifespan and after its usability has ended. 

Similarly, its manufacturing processes are centered around efficiency and waste reduction while the distribution mechanisms are optimized for minimal environmental impact. 

Karthik believes that a product’s sustainability journey does not end there. Factors like high durability and energy efficiency are equally critical. “Typically headsets need to be replaced within 12 months, but we promise our customers a product life of anything between 24-36 months,” he adds. 

Their dedication to sustainability extends beyond environmental practices. Telekonnectors is one of the few companies to champion gender inclusivity across all levels, including its factory floors. “More than 40% of our Manufacturing, R&D and Quality teams are staffed by women. Our production floor has nearly more than 1 woman for 2 employees. We find women being more sincere, committed, delivering less manufacturing faults, and abstaining less from work,” sums up Karthik. 

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